Leaked Documents Prove that U.N. and Soros Responsible For Coming Migrant Invasion

Absolute Truth from the Word of God

Three years ago, the United Nations held a meeting in September where they rolled out their Sustainable Development Goals.  The projected date for the global completion of these goals was to be 2030.

The U.N. even brought Pope Francis in as a spokesperson for Climate Change.  The pope used New Age terms such as “Mother Earth”  and also pushed Marxist ideologies like distribution of wealth.

I will be taking information from the article I wrote in 2015:

The Agenda of Antichrist System Revealed at U.N. in September: Sustainable Development Goals With Commentary

In the aforementioned article, I listed all of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)  but for the purpose of this article, I will only insert the goal which has to do with forced migration – along with my commentary.

“We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development. We also recognize that international migration is…

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