Further Evidence that the Abyss is Opening

There have been so many stories of demonic behavior and overt satanic celebration in the entertainment industry over the last few years, that it’s impossible to put it all into one article or video.  Take a look at two of the headlines that I came across today and see if you don’t see more evidence or confirmation that we are quickly approaching the great tribulation and return of Jesus. It is so in your face now that Antichrist is rising and hell will soon be unleashed upon the earth. 



Melbourne police make arrest related to synthetic stimulant ‘flakka’

 The arrest report states that the girl, covered in broken glass and blood, slapped one of the residents of the home, and then ran outside. When police arrived, the report says she charged the officer while screaming, “I am God, I am Satan!” 

Last month, Melbourne police arrested 41-year-old Kenneth Crowder for running naked down a Melbourne street and then humping a tree, all while screaming that he was God. When Melbourne cops Tasered him, he allegedly pulled the leads out of his skin and attacked officers. He was eventually arrested and taken to jail.

Lucifer: Coming to Fox 20116

Bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, The original fallen angel, Lucifer Morningstar has abandoned his throne and retired to L.A., where he owns Lux, an upscale nightclub.