Obama Secretly Enacts Housing Rule That Will Force Americans Into Living How & Where He Wants

Sword At-The-Ready


Obama’s quiet executive action, of “affirmatively furthering fair housing” (AFFH) will force American Suburbs into becoming Progressive Gulags.

The Warsaw Ghetto.  Labor Camps.  Re-education camps.  The Socialist Utopia requires deconstructing and imprisoning those things the Statists do not like.

Think those are relics of an ancient past?  They are blueprints Obama and his MarxoFascists are now following in order to put the nail in the coffin of Middle Class America by transforming suburbs into State-run gulags.

Obama silently issued a new “executive action” entitled “affirmatively furthering fair housing” (AFFH) without any public disclosure or debate.  This rule is being kept secret for now, but will go into full effect  December 2014, right AFTER the mid-term elections.   This Imperial Decree will force Americans into living how and where the federal government wants them to live.  It will ultimately fine and penalize private property owners into complying with new federal rules that will force them out of their…

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