Healthcare Advacements Toward Total Submission to the Beast System


Commentary by Watchman73:

The beast system is rising rapidly here in the west Texas hospital where I have worked for the last 13 years. We have seen the implementation of the electronic medical record, manditory flu vaccinations, and RFID tracking of patients, staff, and equipment to name a few.

I have been outspoken in warning my fellow employees and our patients about these things for over 5 years now. What was first dismissed as conspiracy theory has now become reality.

The most recent development in this hospital’s slide into high-tech tyranny is our new CEO’s vision. Through a series of mandatory town hall style meetings he has shared his vision for improving our organization and facility. Most disturbing about his vision is that he states emphatically his support for biometrics in healthcare. He states that within 5 years, patients will have a microchip implant in their arm to monitor and track various aspects of their physiology. For example, he promotes the idea that these chips will create great advantages in caring for diabetic patients by allowing the nurse to monitor and analyze the patient’s blood glucose in real time from their laptop computer at bedside or from the nurse’s station.

To many of my colleagues, our CEO’s statements are completely earth shaking. Not only does he promote implanting a microchip in people, but he boldly proclaims a 5 year time frame in which to do so. The prospect of my years of warning now coming to fruition is frightening beyond words to my scoffing co-workers. Their hopes and dreams of continued prosperity and upward mobility are now in serious jeopardy. Now the ramblings of this “mad man” trying to warn them are not so funny. Denial has been their treasured friend for some time, but seeing the real prospect of taking a microchip implant in order to have a job or healthcare is devastating to their paradigm.

Rapidly developing and invasive technologies are being put in place and promoted across America as part of the coming Obamacare nightmare. These advancements in healthcare technology are being touted as the future solution to patient safety and positive treatment outcomes, but make no mistake, their benefits are only a distraction. There is an agenda to control every man, woman, and child on this planet.

Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The beast is rising and darkness is falling on this land, so seek to remain in the light of The Lord Jesus Christ. Repent and turn to Him. He loves you and is calling you out of this world. We who are His, are covered by His shed blood, and saved from His wrath. Trust in His provision for you. He will come as a thief in the night for those not watching, so watch and have your lamps burning so that you may enter into the marriage feast when the Bridegroom returns (Matthew 25).


3 thoughts on “Healthcare Advacements Toward Total Submission to the Beast System

  1. Excellent article! If there’s anyone who doesn’t get the big picture yet, wait till you see how they tie in the national ID,(RFID), in the immigration bill with gun control and health care. After all, how many of us will be committed to resistance when you can keep your job, your healthcare, and your gun by simply taking the chip. Prepare your heart now.

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